It can be hard to believe that your little one is old enough to start kindergarten, it sneaks up on you fast! As you prepare for this new chapter in your child’s life, it’s important to make sure they have the skills they need to succeed. Here are four skills we recommend your child has before starting kindergarten, from our experts at Small World Learning Center in Littleton.

Basic Literacy and Numeracy Skills

Your child doesn’t need to be a reading or math genius to succeed in kindergarten, but they should have a basic understanding of literacy and numeracy concepts. This includes being able to count to 20 and identify basic shapes and colors. If your child is struggling in these areas, consider enrolling them in a child care or early learning center that can help them catch up.

Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills are the ability to use small muscles in the hands and fingers to perform tasks like writing, cutting with scissors, and using buttons and zippers. Good fine motor skills are important for kindergarteners because they’ll be expected to complete tasks like these on a daily basis. If your child is having difficulty with fine motor skills, there are plenty of resources and activities available to help them improve.

The Ability to Follow Directions

In kindergarten, your child will be expected to follow both verbal and written instructions. This means being able to understand and remember simple directions, as well as execute them correctly. If your child is struggling in this area, consider enrolling them in a child care or early learning center that can help them catch up.

Social and Emotional Skills

Kindergarten is a big adjustment for both kids and parents, so it’s important that your child has the social and emotional skills they need to thrive in this new environment. This includes being able to separate from you, follow rules and routines, and make friends.If your child is struggling in any of these areas, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Schedule a tour at Small World Learning Center in Littleton today!